The company's products emerge from facilities equipped with the latest technology and are produced in optimum conditions certified as world standard by ISO 9001-2008 The Quality Management System ,ISO 22000:2005 The Food Safety Management System and ISO 14001:2004 The Environmental Management System

The primary target of the Hacı Bekir Company is to continue supplying the products that domestic and foreign consumers prefer, as they have done in the past. This target is to be reached through the application of the following methods and rules:
Protecting the accumulated knowledge whilst following technological advancements during the process of institutionalization;
Complying with the requirements of Quality, Environmental and Food Safety Management Systems, and fulfilling the applicable conditions in order to ensure sustainable development;
Controlling and evaluating the suppliers of the raw materials and packaging materials we use;
Controlling and evaluating the products we manufacture;
Enabling the development of our staff through training;
Monitoring consumer satisfaction;
Scrupulously following and protecting our brand name;
Meeting the requirements of and taking the actions for environmental protection, preventing environmental pollution;
Ensuring safe manufacture of food products in compliance with the requirements of Turkish Food Codex and related communiques and regulations, and meeting the standards of ISO 22000:2005, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
HACI BEKİR will reach the abovementioned target through training the whole staff, ensuring the raising and improvement of awareness, and continuous reevaluation of the Company's Quality, Environmental and Food Safety Policies. We, as HACI BEKİR Company, believe in and promise the realization of these policies and targets in a clean environment and nature.
888 International Horticulture Exibition,Cologne Silver Medal
1897 International Exposition Brussels Gold Medal
1906 International Exposition, Paris Gold Medal
1930 Foire Exposition,Nice Medal Of Honour
1930 Foire Exposition Paris Gold Medal
1930 Exposition International Brussels Gold Medal
1939 New York Words Fairl

1873 Word Exibition, Vienna Silver Medal